One Community: February 2014


One Community is a monthly photo project in which participants photograph their lives and communities with a theme in mind. The theme varies by month. The goal is to both showcase similarities and differences in our communities worldwide – and bring us all closer together in understanding through art. Our Words for February are style, heirloom, heartbeat and warmth.

The Rules:  Post one or more photos interpreting the words for the month, and add your blog post to the link-up.  Please include a link back to the link-up post on your One Community post, and take a look at some of the other links and comment on them.  After all, this is all about building community!

Style – The window display at the malls of Vegas, so stylish.



Heirloom – This was given to me by my grandmother. Though I have many pearl sets, this is the one that I love the most.

Jewelry - Pearls



Heartbeat – Stratosphere Tower was built in 1996 by Bob Stupak. It is 1,149 feet tall or 350 meters tall. There are 4 rides at the top  of stratosphere, Big Shot, Insanity, X-scream and Sky Jump.

Stratosphere Las Vegas


We rode the Insanity ride, which has a massive mechanical arm extending out 64 feet over the edge of the Stratosphere Tower at a height of over 900 feet, this Vegas ride will spin you and several other passengers in the open air. You’ll be propelled up to an angle of 70 degrees, which will tilt your body straight down!  A video of the ride while waiting for my turn, just watching this makes  my heart beat faster.


Warmth- The climate at Oxford is very fluctuating. We had a warmer climate ( around 60’s) during weekend and now it’s back to cloudy & rainy. I haven’t seen the sun these past 2 days. Sunday’s sunset, missing the warmth of the sun.

Sunset- Oxford,MS.



29 thoughts on “One Community: February 2014

  1. No way could I get on the Insanity. No. Way. I can’t even handle roller coasters at this point in time 🙂 Isn’t the shopping in Vegas fantastic?! Last time we went to Fashion Show Mall for the first time. It was my first time going into Free People, Zara, and Topshop. After years of drooling over their catalogues it was nice to see the offerings in person!

    • I understand Shana, most of my family members can’t handle rides as well. Shopping at Vegas was so much fun. It was hard to come out of Zara’s stores 😉 , so much to try out.

  2. Ohh..that last photo makes me feel warm. Draws me right in. How fun to be in Vegas for this! My brother used to live there so I recognize a lot of sights.
    And I would NOT go on that ride!
    The pearls are SO beautiful for heirloom.

  3. I love your heirloom necklace! What a wonderful thing to have and remember your grandmother by. Oh my goodness… that ride is crazy. I like roller coasters but I’m scared of extreme heights, so… I don’t think I could handle that. Beautiful sunset!

    • Thank you Sarah ! I love rides of all sorts.The ride wasn’t as scary as it looks once you ride it. It was just like looking through an airplane’s window I can’t handle Haunted houses,they give me nightmares for 2-3 days.

  4. Hi Divya! What a wonderful pearl set from your grandma. Of course it means more than other pieces you own :). Hope it can stay in your family for a long time. What a beautiful photo of that sunset as well. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I’ve not heard of this challenge, Divya. Some ingenious soul is always inventing another 🙂
    Love the tower shot, and those pearls are truly lovely. My Mum always used to say “pearls for tears”- goodness knows why!- but silly things like that sometimes stay with you, so I’ve never actually bought pearls.

    • Thank you Jo ! The rides on the tower were amazing ! :). I never heard the expression ” Pearls for tears ” but if I had heard it, it would prevent me from buying. 🙂

  6. I have now read all of the One Community posts and it made me smile how many of us picked something from our grandmother for “Heirloom”.
    Great photos, and I especially like your take on the “Heartbeat” theme. xx

  7. Beautiful pictures! That sunset is so warm and wonderful. That necklace is awesome, what a treasure! Thank you for your comment on my blog the other day. #Sitsblogging

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